Esther Carle-Pruneau

Université de Sherbrooke
M.Sc. candidate

Supervisor: Dany Garant
Marc Bélisle, Université de Sherbrooke
Start: 2018-08-27
End: 2020-12-31
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Recruitment determinants in Tree swallows (T. bicolor​)
Like most aerial insectivores, the Tree Swallow (Tachycineta bicolor) has a large population decline. Although its demographic trends vary significantly in space, declines are particularly pronounced in northeastern North America. Intensification of agricultural practices and increased use of pesticides are important causes of these declines. Since these practices affect all areas exploited by the species, they have the potential to affect productivity and recruitment within populations. However, the determinants of recruitment in Tree Swallows are still unknown and therefore require special attention to better understand the population dynamics of this species. In this study, we use data from the long-term monitoring of a system consisting of 40 farms located along a gradient of agricultural intensification in southern Quebec. Despite the decline of this specie, some individuals from this population return to reproduce depending on the year. Also, several individuals from other breeding sites are dispersing into the system. The first objective of this project will be to evaluate the spatiotemporal trend of recruitment and dispersal within the system according to the habitat. In addition, the Tree Swallow has a high rate of extra-pair paternity generating nests with chicks of extra-pairs and intra-pairs. The second objective will be to compare recruits by sex, genetic origin, and hatching habitat to assess whether natal dispersal and reproductive success are influenced by these characteristics.


Recrutement, intensification agricole, dispersion natale, Origine génétique, immigration